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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Friday 1 November 2019

The Geldof effect

Which isn't what you think it is.

About 10 years ago, I went to a business expo at the Ricoh arena where Sir Bob Geldof spoke. Whatever you think of him, he's a really interesting and engaging speaker. One of the things he said was that he had been told, at one of his businesses, that he wasn't welcome any more because he just got in the way, that they really knew what they were doing and didn't actually need his input!

Now I find myself sidelined from my business, which I set up, which I love as a child - well it is my baby! - and which I know how to work with one hand tied behind my back. (Literally.) I am outside looking in. I have some really capable people there - Janet my business partner, and Lindsey who is handling the course side of things, and the volunteers who are incredible - but I find myself now itching to get back. I am compos mentis, I can type, and I get involved.

Well I needn't.

The place runs really well without me. In fact, my meddling has just provoked chaos and discord, so now hear this: I make a pact with myself to do something different for the next 9 weeks. And who knows, maybe I can use this time to expand the business into a new premises as we've been wanting for a good 2 years now. Where I think I am still needed is bringing in new room hirers and developing the training provision, and ensuring the finances are kept on an even keel or growing.

Maybe I won't go back...

1 comment:

  1. interesting read Chris! Of late I have been looking at my own business and trying to figure out which way to go with it. I closed an office in September, working from home now and It feels like its time to do more! I have no ideas or direction as of yet just that its time for change! Wishing you the best
