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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Thursday 31 October 2019

3 weeks on - an update

I've seen a physio and my GP this week, so I thought it was time for an update on my current health.

Firstly the physio: she removed the dressing (hooray!) and underneath is a really neat scar. A little bruising, a bit of a scab at both ends of the scar but otherwise it's really pretty. I think my Vitamin E tablets helped that: now to have a go with the Vitamin E oil to see if I can completely minimise the external scarring. I have some exercises to do, she was very pleased with my current state. Back next week for more. The only issue is that I still have to wear this pesky sling 24/7!

The GP: also very pleased with the scar. My questions about the blood pressure issues has been answered: having been treated for high blood pressure most of my adult life, it's actually fine without any tablets just now, and the diuretics were reducing my available potassium to a dangerous level, so no need to take any tablets for that!

So all is progressing wonderfully well. Thank you all for following this journey, I will get back to posting other stuff tomorrow.

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