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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Thursday 7 November 2019

An excellent night!

Well I think I had the best night's sleep last night since I had the op!

I turned in about 10.30 last night and snuggled down - minus the sling, but with it beside me just in case - soon to be joined by Freddy for his nighttime snuggle.

I awoke with Freddy still in situ on my chest and thought "I need the loo and a tablet" so I put the light on. 5.30am! I honestly can't remember the last time I had 7 hours sleep straight through!

How did I create such a wonderful sleep? Well firstly the sling wasn't on. I found it so restrictive and sometimes I couldn't wear the cross-chest strap which kept the arm in place across my body so I'd undo that one. Secondly, because I wasn't wearing the sling, I removed the wedge pillow which was keeping me in a more upright position to support the  upper arm. I felt the relief on my back as soon as I lay down. I've also been given the go ahead to lie on my good side, but I don't think I did. I can't have done otherwise I'd have tipped Freddy off.

So now I can start to accelerate the recovery. I have the next lot of exercises to do 3 times a day, which I am doing. If the weather improves I will start a walking programme as I need to get my legs back in working order so that I can  use my bus pass to get around more. I am fortunate to live in a grid-plan village, and I have several walking routes planned. It's not quite flat, the village rises from the other end to where I live by about 80 feet (I think), so that will help the cardio part too.

Another part of the recovery process will be to do more cooking. I've restricted myself to putting things in the oven, but today I'm going to do a beef stew with vegetables, so I need to peel and chop the veg. I will take my time.

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