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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Lucy's Magic Cordial

So now I can type properly, I'm going to start using this blog for its original purpose, which is to tell you about the complementary and alternative therapies I am using to assist my recovery from the operation.

When I was about 7 years old, the class teacher read us “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”. Well I was hooked. I got out each book from the library and eagerly devoured them, even to the extent of making up scenes from each one. I felt I knew all the protagonists and what they looked like: Peter was tall, thin with straight brown hair. Edmund was shorter, plump with a slight wave in his dark brown hair. Lucy had wavy golden hair, and Susan had very long, straight brown hair just like my friend Susan Round.
Each of the children had something magic. In Lucy’s case, it was a magical bottle of cordial, which had restorative properties. Sadly the Kia-Ora orange squash my mother bought served only to quench my thirst, not anything else!
Let us fast forwards now 40 years. I did a “meet your spirit guides” meditation, and had 3 guides come forwards. The first was a beautiful woman with green eyes, long ginger wavy hair, wearing a green dress and carrying a basket of flowers. Her name was Flora. Secondly, an old man with a long beard and pointy hat, with a coat that kept changing colours and had silver writing on it – well, he was quite obviously Merlin. And thirdly, a majestic male lion came to me: full face, he looked like a very gentle pussycat with a smile. “Aslan!” I said. And at that very instant my rational mind kicked in with “Don’t be daft. How can you have a fictional character as a spirit guide?” and of course the meditation disappeared. But Aslan the lion stuck, so that’s what I called him.
I have a picture, drawn by the amazing Polly Bartlett, which exactly matches my vision of Aslan, and so he has pride of place on my altar at work, alongside St Expedite and Bast the Egyptian cat goddess.
So why am I telling you all this?
Well, not long after I was released from hospital, one night my shoulder felt full, sore and hot. No real pain thanks to the painkilling cocktail, but too uncomfortable to sleep with. While I lay tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable spot, Lucy’s Magic Cordial sprang to mind for some reason. I visualised this potion being delivered straight into the shoulder, with its viscous gooeyness spreading all around the affected parts. By the time I’d finished…
Well I awoke a few hours later, my shoulder still pain and inflammation free. As it has been, by and large, ever since.

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