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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Countdown and some home truths

12 days to go.

And it has been brought home to me just how little I actually have managed to put aside for my convalescence.

I went to see Bede Village to enquire after a week's convalescent care. It is a lovely place, there is no denying that, everything you would want from a 5 star hotel with added nursing care. I went on a beautiful sunny and warm day so perhaps I saw the place at its best. But it's not for me.

Two reasons: one is that it is literally miles from anywhere. I would be well and truly stuck, unable to drive. Would that matter? Well it also means that Steve would have trouble visiting me, he would have to get a taxi there and back (unless he stayed - and that would incur extra charges...)

The extra charges? Well the accommodation wouldn't be available until the 22nd and I would be expecting to leave hospital around the 15th. The 22nd is half term, and the prices increase in the school holidays. The cost would be well over £1000 for that week, and I only have £1000 to pay for a lot of things including the care package, which would have to kick in the week before.

So I'm afraid the convalescent week is out.

I investigated alternatives, and got a firm in for a quote for a proper clean. The quote comes to nearly £800!

The problem I have is that I won't get assessed for a care package until I am in hospital, probably on the 11th itself. That will tell me whether I get any State help hiring carers, home helps, cleaners, and so I can't actually make these sort of plans until I come out of hospital. Which is too late.

And I seem to be in for a 9-day stint at work between Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 10th October, without a day off in that time, so reducing my availability for cleaning, shopping and other preparations.

I think I might be looking at having a really nice holiday - still in this country as I don't have a passport - when I am able to drive, in about early December!

Sunday 1 September 2019

The Date!

Yes I have a date!

Friday 11th October, I have to go to Rugby St Cross hospital for 7am (yes you saw that right, 7 in the morning) to be admitted.

Up until 2.30 am I can have meals such as toast and cereals, between 2.30 and 6.30am I can have sips of water, after 6.30am it's nil by mouth. So I can see me having breakfast (cereal) at 2am, and my levothyroxine which I take in the night at 4am as it has to be taken a good length of time from anything containing calcium.

Then up at 5.30, have a bath, my final intake of water, and wait for the taxi.

I have instructions for what to pack to take with me, but no inkling of how long my stay is likely to be. As it's Friday, I could either get thrown out straight after, or kept in until Monday, but they really haven't said anything about it.

I ordered myself a new dressing gown, which I don't really wear, but it is burgundy coloured and plush and feels great to wear! I've also ordered an iPod, so I can upload my Spotify list to it and listen in hospital.

Being given The Date has provoked a new burst of creativity, as I now know when I have to have all my ducks in a row for. So the next round of training courses is arranged and advertised, I have two Reiki courses and two Violet Flame courses to teach, and the Centre has an Open Day taking place on Sunday 6th October.

But the very best thing is that I now know when not to arrange to go to concerts - and I can book in to concerts around that time! Justin Hayward on Tuesday 10th September, here I come! I have also been informed that I have won tickets to the HRH Prog weekender at the end of March next year. This makes up for the fact that I can't use the tickets I won for the October version as I won't be able to drive to Sheffield.

On the 19th I'm going to Bede Village's Open Day to see about booking my week in convalescence there, which I'm also excited about.

I can't tell you how relieved I am.  I feel as if the clock has been wound up and let go, and now I have things to do. So I will go and do them!