About Me

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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Sunday 28 April 2019

The NHS Envelope

When I got home from work yesterday, there was a white envelope addressed to me, with the NHS blue logo in the top left hand corner.

My heart did a double somersault and my stomach lurched. At last the Elusive Date was here!

Did I dare open it straight away? Nah. I decided to take my wrap off, put my slippers on, go to the loo and then open it, which I did.

When I picked up the Letter, Hubby said "Now turn it over and see where it's come from" Which I did. Hospital of St Cross, Rugby? Didn't think they did orthopaedics?

They don't.

As I said in a previous post, I turned 60 recently. What had come was notification of the need for me to comply with the bowel screening protocol, which will arrive sometime soon.

What disappointment!

I am not, let's be clear, objecting to the grossness of smearing poo on a piece of cardboard. I have had too many friends die of bowel cancer, thankfully my family have been spared. I am sure that I will have to have a colonoscopy because of the fact that I do have visible blood in my poo because of all the anti-inflammatories I have had to take over the years.

I would have preferred to see the following:

"Dear Mrs Pampling, we are pleased to invite you to have your left shoulder replaced with a brand new shiney titanium one on May 13th"

(or words to that effect)

Well anyway then, I have to wait a while longer for the op. I'm getting closer to being able to book a week in convalescence thanks to Nick and his kind donation, and here's the link to my crowdfunder for it. Please contribute or share. Thank you.


Sunday 21 April 2019

The Bucket List and My Birthday

I haven't posted for a while have I. No worries. One reason why is because I decided to celebrate my 60th birthday properly. You see, I have a "bucket list", which was the list of concerts I wanted to go to before we (or they) die. This is a replacement for holidays, which being self-employed, I have to forego in order to grow my business.

My birthday week went like this:

Wednesday 10th See Colin Blunstone at The Stables, Milton Keynes, with a meal beforehand. And absolutely delightful evening it was too! I was about six feet away from the stage, on row B, so was within touching distance of the man himself!
Thursday 11th See Carl Palmer and John Lodge get their stars on the Walk of Stars in Birmingham, at the Symphony Hall. It was an absolute pleasure to see two absolute masters of their art at work.
Saturday 13th See the Genesis Tribute act, "The Book of Genesis" with a guest appearance by John Hackett, at the Crescent Theatre in Birmingham. This was a very memorable concert, which highlighted to me the difference between semi-professional artists and a professional touring band: a band who plays maybe once a month, versus a band who plays 3 or 4 times a week for months on end.

My shoulder is still very sore indeed and getting worse if I'm honest. I'm having to spend time at night on the single bed we bought so I could move into the spare room for my convalescence. It actually does work: if I sleep sitting up, propped up on 4 pillows, then I do indeed get no pain. Plus I've got a very wheezy cough and chest from somewhere. I don't feel ill, I just have a cough and a chest which sounds like it has an alien inside it!

Back to normal now though. My business has taken off, as we now have a new resident firm of physiotherapists who work from the Centre 5 days a week, 12 hours a day. This extension in hours puts a strain on myself and also on my business partner Janet as we need to work this between ourselves. At least the additional income has relieved the pressure on me somewhat - or it will when the payments kick in completely!

So talking of payments, I had a fundraiser running on Facebook to help with my convalescence. This has helped to raise about £600: I can't be more precise than that because people have given me contributions in cash or other things. This is helping me with adaptations, such as adapted clothing as I've already mentioned, and slings and equipment to make my life easier. I've also created a separate fundraiser now that earlier one has finished: if you are reading this and would like to contribute so that I might be able to afford a week in a local convalescent home, please click here:

I still don't have a date for my operation.