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Chris is married with 3 cats and lives just outside Coventry. She owns The Amethyst Centre, which is a complementary therapy and training centre.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Why do I need a shoulder replacement op anyway?

I thought I'd show you a couple of photos which illustrate why I'm having a shoulder replacement op. The first one shows me  waving away with my right hand:

And this second one shows me attempting to do the same with my left hand:

As you can see all I'm succeeding in doing with that arm is raising the shoulder itself, not the arm.

Now if you look at the first photo again, you'll see the great feature of this top: it has a batwing sleeve, which means it is really flexible. I can pull the top up from the floor or down over my head, and because the sleeves are big, I can put my arms through them sideways - or not as the case may be!

In fact, I decided to start wearing it now because it is really awkward to get dressed even now, and at least this top helps with that. My thanks to Susan Bush whose contribution has helped pay for it, and another similar top that came in the same post.



  1. OMG....
    I had a frozen shoulder once. Symptoms lasting 9 months of more.
    I feel for you and hope your op makes a massive difference to your life.

    NYRO Kathy!

  2. Thank you Kathy! Yes I should be back to where I am today by Christmas if I have the op by Easter. Deep joy.
